Friday, September 29, 2006

We made it!

So, it appears as if our attempt to post on the blog failed yesterday.
Don't worry, we did arrive safely, and were fine yesterday, even if
we didn't post (...moms.... :)

We finally arrived in Gabarone at 7:30 AM Tuesday, PST (somewhere
around 3:30PM local time). It's been incredibly hot, but bearable
(LOW HUMIDITY!!!!!). After an adventure with the local combie
transport system (apparently Route 6 is different from Block 6), we
even managed to get safely back to Tina (our gracious host)'s house.



Anonymous said...

so glad you guys have made it safely, we wanna see pictures!! it sounds like you are already having the time of your lives...soak it all in my friends :)

lovs Jen

Naomi said...

We were hoping you'd made it. Us moms had already been checking with each other for any news.
I'm excited about your adventures.

Ellie said...

Hi guys! Glad you made it to darkest afrika in safety. Thinking of you loads, and knowing that you will do really good work out there. Update when you can, hope to chat soon!

Ellie x

Bekah said...

Hey guys, It took me a while to see that you arrived safe! Sorry, I've been swamped! We showed our house today. Now we wait to see if they want to buy it. I love you. I miss you! Stay SAFE!

Anonymous said...

Well then, yet another chapter of your adventure has begun. I'm soo glad you guys made it safely!! Enjoy, I look forward to reading about your fun times.

Laura K