Friday, September 15, 2006

New Things

Well, (Bekah) things that are new...
Ben is almost finished applying for med schools (in Ontario, Edmonton, and Vancouver). I just finished proofreading his last essays, so by tonight it should all be done.. and the rest is up to God and the committees that decide who gets in and who becomes a pharmacist (JK). The applications for my teaching degree in Ontario open tomorrow, so I can get started applying too. The rest of mine (Alta, BC) arn't due until next spring, so I'll be able to write about Angola as experience by then.

Right, Angola, we leave in 10 days!! We've piddled away at getting things ready-but we have a lot to do yet, like writing a will! I've arranged all our accomodations while in Botswana-we're going to travel around a bit and I'll play tour guide for Ben. We were woken up one night by Ben's brother. He said there was someone from Pensilvania (sp?) on the phone for me. Turns out the lodge in Botswana has a router there, and they were calling to tell us to turn on the fax. I enquired on an online form, and they faxed all the info... hmmm.. seems strange (archaic?). The lady on the phone greeted me with a cheery good morning. Lucky for her it was 1:30am, so I "good morning-ed" her back. We've gone from the land of amzing customer service (Japan) to decent service (Canada) and then the slow beuracracy of Botswana. I love it. I can't wait to be met by a blast of hot air and scrubby trees. (really, that was not sarcastic.. sooooo excited)

My job has been interesting too. I'm learning a lot about the body and how it's put together. Seeing all the x-rays that come through is interesting, especially when a bone is broken and offset! or when there is pace makers in the chest, or a 2 year old's hand-the bones don't touch and the carpols arn't there yet.. looked so weird! I have 3 more shifts there.


Ellie said...

Hey guys! Thinking of you! Keep the blog updated as much as you can, what an adventure! :)

Bekah said...

all this isn't all that normal you know. Your every day life is all a story of you!
Thnx for the update.

Anonymous said...

hey! wow i can't believe how time has flown by. you are almost ready to leave again for another 'adventure'. i really should email you. but know that even without my emails you are luved. :)