Monday, November 25, 2013

The difference a week makes.

So I've been in Moose Factory about a week now. When I arrived, it was raining and the roads were flooded with water. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures that day. Over the course of that first evening, a storm was underway, and the temperatures dropped suddenly. Some snow was falling and eventually despite the temperatures being just above zero, it was sticking by the morning. That was the beginning of winter, which has now fully and firmly arrived. As I write this now, the temperature is -16 C, and will drop to just about -20 overnight, apparently.

Above:  The day after I arrived, with freshly fallen snow.  It was too cold for my shell jacket, though I did feel a bit silly in my parka.  You can see the river doesn't have any ice in it.

Above:  One week later, I feel quite happy with my parka, as well as my balaclava, at -16C (-22 with wind chill).  This photo was taken at the same place (on the dike) as the previous image, although at a slightly more inland angle.

Above: a few days after I arrived, while flying over to Moosonee, you can see some ice beginning to gather in the river.

Above: Ice continues to gather in the river.

Above:  probably close to the last boat to brave crossing the river.  Taken from up near the Eco Lodge

Above: several days later, just about one week after arrival, the river is suddenly full of ice chunks.  I was tempted to try walk over some of it, but fortunately have hidden some common sense somewhere that decided to speak up against it.

I managed to find a small amount of water that hadn't yet frozen.

The ice had piled up just over a metre (3-4 feet) along the edge of the river.  

Above: The temperature really wasn't that bad.  Okay, I did happen to put the hood back up after this photo.

It may be a little out of season for this now.

1 comment:

Beth said... It's so the opposite of California. I can't even imagine. I'm so glad you have all the warm gear already. What a great adventure you guys will have up there. It will be different from anything else you've ever experienced. I'm so proud of you.