Saturday, October 28, 2006

I think it's a fit!

well, I finally got to a computer. I'll update what Ben wrote last.
We've now had a whole week here, and we feel very welcomed by the
missionary community. We are, right now, eating popcorn (with our
choice of flavour) and about to watch a movie, for Friday night movie
night. We're really not suffering.

We've had three days of English lessons so far, and after today's
lesson I have that wonderful good class "high". I teach at the
hospital, in what is the lobby area in the OR building. There are 12
beginning students, mostly nurses and hospital admin, who are just a
blast. Today we learned the alphabet, and they actually sang the
alphabet song with me. It was great.

I also have a one on one lesson everyday with a advanced students,
named Benjamin. It's great to talk with a local who can explain local
things to me.

I also have the great, "I did laundry" feeling, as I figured out how
to use our very manual washing machine, and we know hove clean clothes
after wearing dirty ones for quite a few days.

The hopital staff has figured out how technical savvy Ben is, and
they're putting him to work, trying to figure out some of the
hospital's machines. (he manages to find an 'on' switch that others
couldn't seem to find)

I'm sure Ben has said it, but the weather here is fantastic, never too
hot, and a lightning show almost every day.


Bekah said...

I'm so glad you are doing so well! I was thinking about you today, missing you, and looking forward to christmas!
Keep the updates coming!

Anonymous said...

Good to see you're doing well... and updating us - unlike me :) yes, as a matter of fact, I HAVE been busy doing homework! haha.. apparently that's what smart people do... suprisingly it's paid off so far (I don't really expect it to keep up, but you never know... could be a new trend!). Anyways, enjoy yourselves and keep us updated!

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous, sounds like you guys are having the time of your lives, and helping lots of people too! I can't complain though, Sydney is in mid Spring weather, which is equivalent to Summer at home and we're really enjoying it. Only 2 short weeks left of 1st year Dent for me, and then it's HOME TIME for Christmas!!! I can't wait for the big friends reunion we're bound to have, we just have to find a big place to celebrate friends :)...hmm, Lisa and Mark own their own place ;)
Take care you 2 and God bless you both muchly,

lovs Jen